AR Training for EOD & Humanitarian Demining

Each year, landmines and explosive hazards endanger countless civilians and military personnel worldwide, with 60 million active mines and thousands more added annually. These hazards not only threaten safety but also disrupt regional economies and global food security through soil contamination. For instance, nearly 50% of Ukraine's arable land, a major grain supplier, is contaminated with explosives, highlighting the urgency and challenge of clearing these hazards.

The Context

EODynamics’ Mission

At EODynamics, our mission is to support and revolutionize demining training through the integration of Augmented Reality (AR) technology. EODynamics’ are driven by a dual impact purpose,
local safety and global food security.

By harnessing the power of AR, EODynamics’ aim to mitigate the risks associated with landmines while simultaneously supporting the agricultural sector. With Business Insider’s report (published July 2023) declaring that demining Ukraine would take over 700 years to clear with 500 demining teams we are confident that the innovation is greatly needed to reach an acceptable impact at necessary scale.

EODynamics’ Solution

EODynamics training system provides a safe, scalable, and cost-effective way for your teams to train for real-life scenarios, improving their skills and safety and simultaneously providing quantitative performance metrics.

By training in immersive realistic scenarios, EOD and Humanitarian Demining teams can gain valuable experience identifying, assessing, and neutralizing explosive hazards. EODynamics’ Augmented Reality Explosive Hazard Training (EHART) System offers a cutting-edge solution to this catastrophic global challenge by enabling realistic and dynamic training environments, for less and with less.

The advantages of EODynamics’ Training Systems?

Improved learning by repetitive skill training and unlimited reusability of dynamic training scenarios.


EODynamics training system increase training repetitions and requires less resources than traditional methods.

Cost Efficient

Less preparation and problem reset time needed. The system also provides quantitative feedback and results.

Time Saver

EODynamics System is not bound by place or time. It can be used at any time, any location, for less, with less.
